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Summer English Seminar of Intellectual Property by IP Graduate School Union in Tokyo. "Future of Intellectual Property in Asia "
- Under the auspices of JAUIP -

 In 2012, a nonprofit educational organization, the Japan Association of Universities for Intellectual Property Education and Research (JAUIP), has organized a first summer English seminar for IP studies in Japan. This seminar was intended for students from Asia or emerging countries who were interested in studying intellectual property in English.
 This year, the JAUIP plans to organize a likewise seminar for the period from August 25 through August 29 in Tokyo. There is another intensive seminar IP course in Osaka to be sponsored by Osaka Institute of Technology (OIT) from September 1 through September 5. The Osakaround seminar accepts students from the OIT allied and non-allied universities (non-allied students need to enroll ※),while the Tokyo-round seminar is open for students from overseas or foreign students studying in Japan.
 This year’s JAUIP summer seminar is going to provide more sophisticated IP-oriented program than that in last year with supports from IP-friendly organizations such as the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the Intellectual Property Association of Japan (IPAJ) and the Japan Intellectual Property Association (JIPA). The program comprises basic lectures and advanced lectures, which will be featured with group discussions. The program will be highlighted with the visits to and tours of the Intellectual Property High Court and the Japan Patent Office.

Tokyo Seminar's Information
■Date  Augusut 25 to 29, 2014
■Place Tokyo University of Science, Morito Memorial Hall
(4-2-2, Kagurazaka, shinjyuku-ku, Tokyo)
■Registration fees
3,000 yen for students
20,000 yen for non-students
Tokyo University of Science Prof. Jinzo Fujino
Nihon University  Prof. Hiroshi Kato
Mail address: summer-seminar@jauip.org
August 25(Mon)
1. Registration, Guidance & Instruction
2. WIPO Session (1) “Globalization and intellectual property”
 -The future direction of intellectual property systems from an international perspective-
3. WIPO Session (2), (3) “Future direction of International Intellectual Property System”
 - How is International Intellectual Property System going to be changed in the future? -
4. Reception

August 26(Tue)
1. “Patent Law”
 - Comparison of the patent prosecution flows between Japan and the U.S.-
 - Comparison of the interpretation of the unique claim between Japan and the U.S.-
2. “Industrial Design Law”
  - Enhanced implications on IP strategy -
3. “Trademark Law and Unfair Competition Law”
 - How to protect trade dress –
4. IPAJ Session:
 “Japan Innovation System & IP”
5. JIPA Session:
 “Risk Management for Counterfeit Products in Asia”

August 27 (Wed)
1. “Copyright Law”
 - News from Japan’s Copyright World in 2014 -
2. “International Trade law and IP laws”
 - Learn the most advantageous negotiation skill from actually used text of contract -
3. “Intellectual property policy”
 - How has the Japanese intellectual property policy influenced on the Japanese society? -
4. LESJ Session:
 “Mock patent License Negotiation”

August 28 (Thu)
1. “Intellectual Property Rights in the ICT field”
 - Open the door of a treasure-house of IPs in the ICT world -
2. “Introduction of patent licensing and patent pools”
 - No IP management, No future of company? -
3. “Intellectual Property Formulation”
  - Do you really understand “strategy formulation process”? –
4. “Smartphone Business and IPRs”
 -Lessons learned from the Apple vs. Samsung case -
5. Group Work

August 29(Fri)
1. Visit to Japan Patent Office
2. Visit to Intellectual Property High Court
 Brochure of Summer-seminar 2014
Further details will be announced later.

  Registration form


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